Category Archives: BBDO

Howard Hill

Howard is a senior copywriter in NYC. His site features integrated work for six clients, plus a one-shots page, plus a page of outtakes. I recommend you click into DIRECTV and watch the Wayne’s World brand spot. Then go down to Outtakes and watch the Wayne stand-in just melt under the pressure of trying to say a lead-in line to Kim Basigner. Who wouldn’t?!


Gerard Seifert

Gerard is a senior copywriter at WONGDOODY in Los Angeles. People sometimes ask MC, “What’s the right amount of set-up for projects in a portfolio?” Such a hard question to answer because every project is different, right? Right. But, if you had to point to an example of a portfolio with just the right set-up, content and tone, Gerard’s would be an excellent choice.


Christine Call

Christine is a copywriter at Deutsch. She shares a site with art director Clemente Bornacelli. They’ve done some cool work for VISA, including pieces of the Go World campaign for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Their site is hosted on Cargo and presented as verbs (above), except “???” which are their answers to James Lipton’s 10 questions. Christine’s favorite curse word: “Douchebag.”


Alex Goulart

Alex is a senior copywriter at SS+K in NY. He shares a site with AD/creative partner Joao Medeiros. They were both born in Brazil, grew up in England, and started their careers in Singapore and Belgium. They also speak four languages (not the same four). All of which makes their work truly international and totally interesting.


Casey Rand

Casey is a copywriter at BBDO NY. In the year-and-a-half since she graduated from VCU, she’s put together a really fun portfolio, including that AT&T spot with the Jr. Assistant who runs around getting stuff for Mariah Carey. Love when he kicks the elevator button. Perfect ending. She’s also got a killer blog called People Who Deserve It. Getting punched in the face, that is. Soon to be a book. 


Wade Paschall

Wade is a copywriter/CD in Boston, formerly a VP/GCD at Arnold. When you land on his site, you’ll see a pencil with his name on it, and right and left arrows. I recommend you go to the upper right hand corner of the screen and click the arrow way up there, then click on Print as Writer and start with Urban Decay. Just gorgeous writing. “My beautiful ten soldiers.” Love love love it.  


Rich Siegel

Rich is a freelance copywriter/CD in Los Angeles. Before going solo, he was at Y&R, TBWA Chiat/Day, Team One and BBDO. He’s responsible for the above ABC campaign, which Creativity Mag named one of 20 that changed the face of advertising. You know, for me there’s just something magic about the big outdoor campaigns. I remember exactly where I was the first time I saw one of Rich’s ABC boards, on 101 South in San Francisco. I still remember thinking, “Oh man, look at THAT.”
