Category Archives: Chicago

Mike Tsapos


Mike is a freelance ACD/copywriter currently at Leo Burnett in Chicago. He’s got a crazy variety of projects on his Behance site—from BMW Motorcycles to ESPN/Die Hard 4 co-branding, a campaign for the American Association of Railroads to a commercial for featuring, well, you’ll just have to see that one for yourself. (MC only looked at the left side, FYI.)


Chicago Portfolio School Week – Spring 2015


Ladies and gentlemen, MC is honored to present the portfolio sites of nine Chicago Portfolio School graduating copywriters (in alphabetical order):

Adam Bedol –

Amanda Burger – 

Vikram Chadda-

Kelly Foreman –

Martha Murphy –

Jeff Polaschek –

Lyndsey Stormer –

Kevin Tosi –

John Wrend –

Chicago Portfolio School Week – Kevin Tosi & Adam Bedol



After graduating from CPS, Kevin is now at HY Connect in Chicago and Adam will soon be at R/GA in New York. In addition to awesome student portfolios, while at CPS they also created Darn Good Baloney, a podcast of interviews with ad industry titans like Jeff Goodby, Susan Credle, Matt Moore, Ross Fletcher, and … others of great import and huge influence. Dig it.

Adam’s portfolio:

Kevin’s portfolio:

Chicago Portfolio School Week – Martha Murphy


Martha graduated from CPS and is now interning at WONGDOODY in Los Angeles. What else has she done? Check out her About Me page for 9 truths and 1 boldfaced lie. She’s a new copywriter who’s already had some good adventures. And good adventures make good stories. And good stories are what being a writer is all about.


Chicago Portfolio School Week – Amanda Burger


Chicago Portfolio School Week on MC kicks off with Amanda Burger, who’s going to be freelancing at Leo Burnett in Chicago after graduation. (Huge congrats!) Also, huge thanks to Amanda who helped MC put together CPS Week on MC 2015 by gathering everyone’s links, getting the a-ok to post, and sending them all in. Love it.



Jeff Oswald


Jeff is a senior writer/ACD at Cossette Chicago. Since his last post on MC (01.30.14), he moved from Jacobson Rost to Cossette, made a new site, and added new work—including a bunch for McDonald’s. MC wonders: How do copywriters who work on McDonald’s avoid eating McDonald’s all the time? Or is that just MC? Arrrg.


Rich Black


Rich is a copywriter/ACD at Downtown Partners Chicago. Since his last post on MC five years ago (04.03.10, has it really been that long?), Rich has spent time at Cramer-Krasselt as the lead writer on Porsche—I really hope that means he got to drive one for free—and then moved to Downtown Partners. And took his Cayman with him??


Lyndsey Tonyan


Way back in January 2014, MC featured Lyndsey’s portfolio in a list of Chicago Portfolio School grads. Here we are, one year later, and Lyndsey’s friend and fellow CW Audrey Hansen has re-submitted her portfolio to MC for an update. (Big ups, Audrey. Love that.) Six tight campaigns and some beautiful typography in her portfolio, including one for the Department of Health and DARE, above, that MC would be all over if it existed. Fun.


UPDATE: Ann Titus


Ann is a freelance copywriter/ACD in Chicago, currently at Havas Worldwide on Citibank, after taking a year and a half off “to become a more insightful marketer to suburbanites and stay-at-home moms.” (Love that.) Since her last post on MC (04.06.12), she’s redesigned her site and added a bunch of new work. Time for an update!


Drake Paul


Drake is a new copywriter in Chicago, just finishing up an internship at DDB. All kinds of interesting clients in his portfolio including AppleJacks, Deering Banjos and Kohler Music Showerheads. How has MC never heard of music showerheads—showerheads and speakers in one, like shampoo and conditioner in the same bottle? Hello, Santa Wish List.


Sarah Dembowski


Sarah is a new copywriter after recently graduating from Chicago Portfolio School, and is now freelancing at DDB Chicago. This is what it’s like for the kids these days. Sarah’s got a campaign for Orville Redenbacher Ready-to-Eat Popcorn that’s all about how much easier it is than microwave popcorn. Wait, you mean we need something easier than microwave popcorn?! But. But. In her ad above, it’s equal to the difference between typewriters and computers. But I. I just. (Sigh)


Jose Benítez


Jose is a copywriter at Dieste in Chicago. He’s also a professional skateboarder who did some time at Second City. (Proving once again that drummers, comedians and surfers/skateboarders make great copywriters.) So cool to see how writers like Jose jump from one ad culture to another—and one language to another. A good idea is a good idea.


Evan Elberson


Evan just graduated from Chicago Portfolio School (big congrats!), and spent time before that time in the Second City writing program. Always fun to see portfolios coming right out of school—when the client and creative can be anything. Like Evan’s Sugar In The Raw campaign. A whole new spin on “Come give Grandma some sugar.” Goodness.


Senior CW Wanted: MCD NYC or Chicago


Sandy Wang, Recruiter at Magnani Caruso Dutton, is looking for a senior copywriter who could work at either their NYC or Chicago office. A little about MCD: “MCD is the kind of place that encourages innovation and rewards hard work. We are an agency where ideas rule, and everything follows from there. Here you’ll find smart, creative professionals that take what they do seriously, but thankfully not themselves. By design we are a highly productive agency without the long hours, and promote teamwork without any embarrassing pep rallies.” To learn more or to apply, click the links below:

NYC Senior Copywriter: Click here

Chicago Senior Copywriter: Click here

Alan Snider


Alan is a senior copywriter at Avenue in Chicago and a student at Second City Training Center. If MC could start MC over, there’d be a tag for copywriters who’ve had experience with Second City—and it would probably be one of the more popular tags. So many great copywriters have stand-up and comedy writing experience, which makes so much sense.


Tim Donakowski


Tim is a copywriter in Chicago, having recently returned to The Windy City after four years in NYC. Click on his Trojan project link, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you’ll find a two-minute video “The History of Getting It On.” It’s no joke. It’s actually the history of condoms in the modern world. (Fun.) These are the things we get paid to do, my friends. Dig it.


Nate Steele


Nate is a copywriter at Leo Burnett in Chicago. Whole bunch of Allstate in his portfolio including TV, banners and print. How great is the Mayhem campaign? Great. He’s also got a Second City sketch that he wrote and titled, which ran for five weeks. Once again proving that comedian and copywriter are like peanut butter and jelly.


Dan Jordan


Dan is a copywriter/ACD at Calvary in Chicago. (Second City alert! Once again proving MC’s theory that comedians, drummers and surfers make great copywriters.) Fun stuff up and down his portfolio. One of MC’s faves is Chili’s “Open Letter” (above) reaction to Steve Carell and Paul Rudd’s spoof of LeBron’s famous “I’m going to Miami” ESPN interview. Steve and Paul end up describing/laughing about the letter on Charlie Rose. Genius.


Steven Jaynes


Steven is a copywriter at Blue Chip Marketing in Chicago. Just a crazy variety of projects and media in his portfolio. From a Cover Girl/MTV VMA Twitter Party to Food Network food porn for Fisher Nuts (above), there’s a little something for everyone. Plus, have to mention, MC got the chance to chat with Steven a couple of times over the past few months—and he’s good people. Dig it.


UPDATE: Ben Santoriello


Ben is a freelance writer in Chicago. Since his last post on MC, just after graduating from Circus (09.28.12), he’s spent time at INNOCEAN and Draftfcb, and added a bunch of work to his site. His book is in that in-between stage, part student and part produced, which MC digs seeing the most. So interesting to check out what writers create in school, and what that means in agency life, at this shop or that. Clicking through Ben’s site, MC totally remembered his school book vibe. And watching his FootJoy video, it’s like, yep, there he is—Bag Checking a pro golfer, just hoping to find Atomic Fireballs or Laphroaig.


Emily Akins


Emily is a copywriter at Energy BBDO in Chicago. Bunch of fun work on her site, including “Best Lunch Notes from Mom” for Ziploc (39k submissions, nice), and “How Attractive Are You?” (to mosquitos) for OFF!. Sorry, Emily. In that one lone category, MC is actually the most attractive person on earth.


Vera Springett


Vera is a creative lead/ACD at Avenue Marketing & Communications in Chicago, previously in-house at University of Phoenix. Lots of the work in her portfolio is collateral/digital that’s more informational than marketing, which means that there’s lots and lots of writing. Which is what lots of lots of companies are looking for in a copywriter, you know?
